Evaluation of an individualized protocol for treadmill test
This protocol, derived from WHIPP 's cycle ergometer ( cy ) procedure, is set according to age, height, body weight, and k coefficient, treadmill ( tr ) adapted, for the training rate estimate.
The cy loads in w/min are converted into kcal/kg/min ( n ).
Tr grade is obtained by n and tr velocities ( preselected in relation to the different functional capacities of subjects ).
The duration of each step is one minute.
The protocol has been tested in 100 subjects without signs or symptoms of heart deseases undergoing to cardiopulmonary tr test to exhaustion.
Mean tr time was 9.1 min, DS 1.2; mean heart rate ( hr ) peak value on theoretical vo2-max was 102.51 %, DS 17.4.
Correlation / regression has been performed in order to evaluate the directly measured estimated, from work rate, vo2 relationship in a 40 healthy subjects new set ( r = 0.95; regression slope 0.77, DS 0.87 ).
The protocol reproducibility was tested in a 12 healthy men subset and no significant differences have been found in mean tr time, hr and vo2max ventilation and respiratory exchange ratio - max, and vo2 mean increments among steps ( 1.1 METS ).
In conclusion, this reproducible individualized tr protocol allows to reach hr-max and vo2-max with limited tr time and appears reliable for estimating o2 cost from work rate.